June 2010

Nothing like spending time at the pool on a hot summer day, especially when accompanied by Daddy!

Matthew and Michael's favorite thing at the pool was to catch the football in mid air and land in the pool.

Michael on his way to Concord Quest (our church's VBS program). He had "rocker-dude" hair in honor of "Danny & The Jets" (a rock band that was part of the skit).

Matthew's baseball team won the championship for their league. Their reward was tickets to the TN Smokies game with press box seats and a never-ending supply of baseball junk food. They had a blast!

So, here's the little critter that started the raccoon craze with Michael! From that day on, it's been all about "Perry" (yes!...they even named him!).

Here's Michael in the Smoky Mountains (with Perry, of course...he goes everywhere). We were on a Geocaching adventure.

Matthew & Michael (and Perry, of course) in their new baseball chairs.

Max (also known as "Dink") came over for a playdate. Yay!!

Dink can't leave without the boys getting a ride through the neighborhood in Aunt Holly's car. It's just their size. We love visits from Aunt Holly & Dink!

Brooke came to visit and we got to meet Charlie for the first time. She was 4 months old. 

 The boys had a blast with Charlie. It was so cute to see them playing with her and being so sweet...a whole different side to them we hadn't experienced before.

Mark (Grandpa - age 40), Brooke (17) and Charlie (4 months).